
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Time change rules

Four miles yesterday. Just over an hour. Decent challenge of hills. Broke into sustained run twice. Need better running shoes. Motivation pants still motivating. Bells tonight.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Injured left foot again!

I have been abusing left foot something fierce this year.  

Managed to slam my poor toes into corner of desk in dark.  I don't think I actually broke them but it must be a serious bone bruise cause I had to dig out the lortab to be able to get to sleep.

Ended up staying home & off of it yesterday & am feeling better today.  I am going to resume normal activities & see how it goes.  

Haven't figured out how much of a workout to do today.  That is next on my agenda.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mar 1

Today is a great day.  :-)  EMD reads 330.  Yesterday excercised about 20-25 minutes with bell & went on to a moderately physically active day.  

With a 6lb contest weightloss so far I may end up painting my face blue & wearing a kilt after all.

Eating is still the same, I'm thinking that new product (slim) is going to help me get to the next level faster.

Jon I'm not sure about 31# in 30 days so we can go fishing but we will be ready to go in April sometime.