
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 27 part 2

Got home & worked out.

5 sets 10, deadlifts
5 sets 10, 2 handed swings
3 sets 10, snatches (each side)

Tried to follow Vo2 timing top of minute per set.  Found that this was too ambitious & almost ended up toes up on living room floor graying out.  Had to sit down & then lie down for a bit.  Will try again tomorrow with longer break between sets.  Unless Jon has other recommendation.

Based on July measurement I have lost inch in hips & waist. However I think the change since December is more than that since I had gained 20 lbs of flab since July.

At any rate here are current measurements that we can use as baseline for future progress checks:

As of Jan 25, 2009

Neck 19.5
Bicep 18.75 (Unsightly chicken wing right now)
Chest 56.5
Waist 50.75
Belly 58
Hips  52
Thigh 31.75 (Another unsightly chicken wing)
Calf  18.75 (Mostly muscle)
Neck to Tummy  28.5 ( Measures the Dunlop factor)


Jon Alford said...

Hold off on v02 for now. We'll work on that later. Let's get all the little engines running smooth before we rev them too much. Just keep swinging, squatting, snatching, cleaning and TGUing at a steady pace until you work up to 30 min or so then you can add intensity. Let's keep your toes on the floor

Jamie said...

Thanks for the advice, in case you haven't realized yet I can be a bit stubborn & am likely to push more than I should on occasion. Most days I can tell that I should stop. I also realized as I wolfed dinner that I might have just run out of gas. Somewhat distracted today & only had a MRP & a zone bar all day. Max 3 works so well on app. control for me I sometimes forget to eat. I'll try to pay more attention in future. :-)