
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 27

Felt like crap this weekend, no energy, no motivation & ankle still bothering me.  Took a few days & tried to keep off of it as much as possible.  Maintained diet regimen no (tastes good but bad for you food sneaking in) but have not worked out in a few days.

Have been largely occupied in very sedentary task, writing business plan.  Would stretch it out but am facing tight deadline.  Have been sleeping for 4 hours & getting up & working on it until I get tired again & then down for another 3-4 hours every night for last 3 nights. Very wearing, but almost to end.  Completed 1rst draft early this morning & edited it for content issues with partner.  

Have another 5 or 6 hours of work to do (minimum) before we turn it over to the Grant writer. :-)  

Current plan is to go home & swing iron a bit before dinner.  Work a couple of hours & then try to get good nights sleep & finish up tomorrow.  Will be glad to get to next step in project & get back to better routine.  The good news is the billing on this project is significant & we should be able to outfit ourselves with complete set of bells once the check from client comes in.  

Weight holding steady @ 342, but was holding fluid this morning so i expect a decrease tomorrow. :-)  Am following it closely because I want to close out Jan with a net 15 lb loss for the month :-)  

I'm so close I can taste it :-)

BTW we got a good baseline body measurement on each of us with tape measure on Sund.  I tried to compare to previous measurements but found that the most recent saved was from June of last year.  I will post my results on that later this evening once I get back to house. 
We have also managed to locate most recent photos (July last year) and will post them once they arrive from family.  We will be better able to document progress from here on out.

I can say that clothes are fitting better & I have had to re-tie my fat boy shorts twice this month to keep them from sliding down around ankles and i have also been able to comfortably wear t-shirts that were too tight a few months ago. :-)

1 comment:

Jon Alford said...

Good Stuff. Try to work in a minute of swings every 10 or 20 minutes. It will clear your mind to write better. Give the metabolism a little push all day.