
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Jamie's 1rst post

Have been doing Pavels super joints excercises for 2-3 weeks as well as basic stretches & a little bit of Kettle Bell stuff my buddy Jon showed me.

I am also on day 7 of new diet regime designed to optimize fat burn.  It is more complex than I expected & I am not actually following the regimen 100% as yet.  Will continue practicing it until I get better at it.

Just completed Joints & stretches this morning after a very good work out with Jon last night, I learned more Kettle bell stuff & am sore this morning. :-)

Will swing the bell this evening, apparently forgot to unload it from the car.  :-)

Initial game plan is to use light weight to master form & then progress from there.

Todays weigh in an encouraging 351.4 Right on target for the THANKSGIVING DAY REVEAL.  Which is Angela & I's favorite topic of discussion right now.  You see we have both been "Fluffy" for most of our lives and are looking forward to arriving T Day to see the jaws drop on our fam's faces :-)

We have made some significant changes in our lives this month in order to remove distractions & keep our focus on our twin goals of Fit & Fine in 09 and Financial independence.

We have sought out the best supplements available on the market & determined that Advocares products meet our needs, we have modified our eating habits, begun a vigorus excercise regimen & cut off the satellite TV. It was too much of a distraction, there wasn't really much on there worth watching & none of it was helping us reach our dreams.  So that particular dream stealer has been terminated. :-)

I will be posting regularly this year updating our progress.  I will try to post daily but may miss a few here & there.


Jon Alford said...

I was about to call to check on the soreness. You guys were awesome last night doing KBs. If you improve as much every 2 weeks as this time you will not have a problem watching the jaws drop on Turkey Day.

Jamie said...

Thanks for your help & encouragement Jon I appreciate it.